Thursday, February 01, 2007

Happy February!!

So, it is finally February with all of its cold glory. And it is only going to get colder. Still no sub calls this week-but there is still tomorrow:)
So, I sit at home contemplating what to do. There is cleaning that needs to be done as we are having company tomorrow night. I know that I should get it done today, because I may get called tomorrow and then I will be screwed. But part of me is thinking that I probably won't get called so I might as well hold off. Oh the delemas of my life. Wish I had bigger delemas.
Well, the time of the morning has come where I search the employment websites to see if there are any work from home jobs that don't require any money up front-or if there are any other part time jobs I could do as a filler for my days. I am confident that subbing will pick up soon. After all, this cold weather is bound to make some people want to stay home and take a personal day, right?! Or the germs will finally come back and spread throughout the schools. I know the germs are in my house. My scratchy throat turned into a head cold, and that is excatly where it is staying. See, if I had been called this week, I could have spread my cold germs around-potentially getting more subbing calls!! (I actually had a friend suggest that I take in blankets laced with small pox to schools. I wouldn't want to kill the staff, jsut knock them out for a day) Oh well, so I spend another day sitting here, waiting for the phone to rign for even a half day sub and thinking about all the cleaning that I should be doing but am putting off. UGG procrastinating- it is like school all over again!!!


Maximus Doom said...

hmm...might I suggest making a short list of 5 things/tasks; marking those off as they are done and continuing till all 5 are done. The momentum will make you extremely liberated and generate energy for the next 5. As far as work, I am sure there are things you already have or can do that could generate more immediate income; especially since you are school minded. i.e. paint some school or parent/grandma themed shirts or as to sit-in with someone - which will build the relationship with the school/teachers quicker. Dont wait, seize the day!

Mommy Petersen said...

What about your own tutoring business? If you volunteer at a local school on days you're not subbing you might be able to get to know some of the parents too, or at least the teachers who could suggest you as a tutoring option.

I don't know what ages you prefer, but I think it would be fun to go into K or 1st grade classroom to read to the kids. You could come in costume or with props for the story.

If the school get sto know you maybe they can request you as sub when the need arises....or at very least it will help you stay motivated in the teaching field.

Sara said...

I have thought about placing an ad in the paper for tutoring, but the only time I have available is during the day, when I don't sub, and the weekends. I am not sure how many takers I would get for weekend only tutoring. Maybe I will have to give it a try-as soon as I can afford to place the ad.