Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My welcomed 6:05am phone call

Yes, it happened today. After 2 weeks of no phone calls, and the cold weather closing yesterday, I finally got the 6am phone call I have been waiting for. I threw back the covers, checked the caller ID (just to be sure it was Carol and not someone else calling at 6am), and accepted the preschool parapro position. It was an hourly job, and one at a school with the longest unpaid lunch of all, but it was a job none the less.
It turned out to be a much easier day then I thought (except for the fact that I had bus duty, which put me outside 4 times today). I spent the morning doing bulletin boards and cutting things for the teacher that would be used next week. The afternoon was spent in a class that I had been in for a week in January, and was pretty laid back due to the fact that the teacher in the room was also a sub. In fact, the whole building was crawling with subs since the teachers were all testing for kindergarten next year. But, I can't complain-I made some money today.
Then there was Sylvan. Not a tough night-actually a pretty easy day for me. The only down side is that I am really tired at 9:30pm. But at least I have a reason for that which beats sitting at home all day.

1 comment:

Mommy Petersen said...

Any more wake up calls?
I hear there's a stomach flu going around...exciting huh? :) Never thought you'd be happy to hear that people are getting sick did you?