Thursday, November 02, 2006

My hat goes off to Special Ed teachers

Wow! It definately takes a special kind of person to work with those children, and I am not sure that I am one of them. I subbed as a paraprofessional in a Special Ed classroom today. There were 5 students and 6 adults. One would think that would be enough to keep everyone in line. Wrong-I happened to be assigned to one of the mobile, more active students. He kept me on my toes, and to top things off-he was a runner. If I didn't keep my eye on him at all times, he would be off somewhere else, and into something else. I am thankful that there are prople in the world willing to work with children who have severe special needs. I am also thankful that I decided not to persue a degree in special education. I definately earned my pay today:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally hear you on this one!!