Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!!

Oh all the kids were so cute in their costumes tonight. Yes we had trick or treat at night-one of the joys of living in a relatively small town. We got the regular princesses and skelatons and packer players and witches. But there were also some original ones, my favorite of which was a pepsi can. Adorable. We also got some care bears, dragons, blues clues, a unicorn, tigger(friends baby), robin(from batman), and some others I can't quite remember anymore. But they were all so cute and I'm sure cold. Makes me excited for the day that I have kids that i can take trick or treating. Even if it is just for the candy I can "steal" from them:)

1 comment:

Mommy Petersen said...

I have lila in costume on my blog. The little kids are so cute in costume! And it's fun to see the creativity some people have.