Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Like a good neighbor...

...Brian and Sara are there.  We did our good deed this afternoon.  We raked/blowed the neighbors leaves to the curb.  Brian did this mostly because he didn't want them blowing into our freshly raked yard (they have not raked once this season and the last pick up is Monday)
These neighbors tend to be annoying and move about the yard at the strangest times.  They have parties in their garage, where the music tends to get really loud-almost sounds like they are holding a band practice.  They also have bon-fires late into the night sometimes and they do not have quiet friends.  They also just recently got 2 dogs(who tend to bark a lot when they are outside), so there is now a chain link fence in their yard, which doesn't really bother us because there is a fence between our two yards already anyway.  They come and go at strange hours of the night and day.  The cops have also been at their house a few times in the past.  There was once a rumor about drugs, but that has never been proven, nor do we know why the cops were there.  So these people are simply neighbors, not friends or even acquaintances, simply neighbors whom we tolerate (at least for now)!
We don't really know or particularly like these neighbors, so it was a really nice thing that we did.  I am not expecting to get anything in return, they have never done anything for us.  Nor I am even expecting a thank you.  I will be satisfied knowing that I have done my random act of kindness today and leave it at that.

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