Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Got my wish!!!

For those of you who read yesterday's post, you remember that I wished for a little snow to cover up the dirty snow that is on the side of the streets.  Well, wish granted.  This morning we had a nice layer of snow on the ground!!  And that came complete with drifting snow.  But the dirty snow is mostly covered, for now!!!
However, since it was not enough snow to run the snow blower it meant that I was the one out there with the shovel to clear the sidewalk.  Why won't Brian clear snow when it doesn't involve the snow blower???  Who knows, but at least I got my work out for the day-and didn't have to pay anything for a gym membership!!!  Too bad it was a bit windy or it would have been a nice day to be outside shoveling.  I think I am finally starting to thaw!!!!

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