Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday

I have fulfilled part of my Catholic duty today-I just got back from Ash Wednesday mass.  I figured since I wasn't subbing and would be at Sylvan during the evening mass I would go this afternoon.
Usually people talk about what they are going to "give up" for Lent.  I have tried that, but since I go right back to it after Easter, what am I really learning??  This year I have decided not to give anything up, but do things differently and find ways to add more God in my life.  I am going to try to be nicer to those around me and not get so annoyed at the little things.  (Ask Brian, this can happen quite a bit)  So, starting today I am not going to get annoyed at small things that don't really matter.
The second part of my Lenten plan is to add more prayer into my day.  I will try to find time, even if it is driving somewhere, to thank God for all the good in my life and ask for guidance where I need it the most.  I tried to pray before I went to bed every night, but the more tired I was from the day, I realized this didn't work.  And I know that I may not always make it in the morning, depending on how I wake up (on my own or by the phone).  Therefore, I have made it open.  Whenever I find that I have a few extra moments or need the most help getting through the day, that is when I will stop to have my conversation with God.
I am hoping that by choosing not to give something up this season, but change a lifestyle, that this is something I will be able to continue after Easter as well.  
I mean only good things could come from being a nicer person who has a stronger relationship with God, right?!

On to the other part of my Catholic duty-fasting and no meat.  So far so good.  I have only had breakfast-cereal-and it is already 1:30.  I will need to eat something more substantial before Sylvan, but nothing big.  Then it will be fish for dinner.
I think I am off to a good start this Lent.  Happy fasting to all you Christians out there!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How many people does it take... program a remote control for the satelite receiver box??

Just one, English speaking, technician.  Of course we had to wait 3 days for that.

We got a new receiver box on Saturday and Brian and Bill got that installed.  Then they had to call Dish Network so they could activate it.  While on the line, the lady was walking them through how to program the remote.  (She had broken English and I am not sure she was understanding what they were telling her was happening on our screen.)  So she transferred them to tech support, where they got another not so English speaker, but understood a little better about what we were seeing on the screen-he just didn't know why it was happening.  The guys tried a few things the tech guy was saying and nothing was working.  Our remote has different chips that go in it so that the receiver can recognize which TV it is for.  (We have 2 TV's that work off the same receiver and 4 different chips came with the new remote)  I am not sure the tech guy understood what chips needed to be placed in the remote.  
After about 20 minutes of working with him and trying a few different chips, he told us that he was going to need to send a technician out to the house.  We thought "How hard can it be to program a remote?"
This morning the technician came out to the house and within 10 minutes was gone again.  He quickly tried the remote with the chip we had in it and when that didn't work, knew the exact one that would make it work.  He even showed us how to program the remote-if we ever needed to do it again for some reason.  His steps were the same as the ones the tech guy told us on the phone on Saturday-just with the wrong chip.

This goes to show just how easy things can be when you are getting helped by someone who understands your language in order to understand your questions.

Friday, February 13, 2009

False Advertising

Today, with our utility bill, we got a note saying that they were implementing some Identity Theft Protection Plan and that we needed to return this form, in person, and bring a photo ID.  In return for taking the time to do that, they would give us an energy conservation kit.  How exciting!!
So I filled out the form and Brian and I went to the utility company-thinking that they might only have  limited numbers of the kits and we really wanted to make sure we got ours.  They verified all our information and then the receptionist said, "As a thank you for coming in and doing this, here are some light bulbs."
Okay, so they were the energy saving kind, but where is this kit that was mentioned in the letter!?!?!  We were definitely not expecting light bulbs.  Why couldn't they just put: for taking the time to return this form, we will give you a pack of light bulbs.?  
I am not REALLY complaining, because after all, they were FREE light bulbs and not much is free anymore.  But the false advertising made us hurry up and get everything filled out and turning in to the utility company before Brian left for work.
So, if a utility company ever says they are going to give you an energy conservation kit, ask yourself:  Could it just be light bulbs?

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Got my wish!!!

For those of you who read yesterday's post, you remember that I wished for a little snow to cover up the dirty snow that is on the side of the streets.  Well, wish granted.  This morning we had a nice layer of snow on the ground!!  And that came complete with drifting snow.  But the dirty snow is mostly covered, for now!!!
However, since it was not enough snow to run the snow blower it meant that I was the one out there with the shovel to clear the sidewalk.  Why won't Brian clear snow when it doesn't involve the snow blower???  Who knows, but at least I got my work out for the day-and didn't have to pay anything for a gym membership!!!  Too bad it was a bit windy or it would have been a nice day to be outside shoveling.  I think I am finally starting to thaw!!!!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Happy Groundhog's Day!!!

From what I have seen on the internet, the groundhog has seen his shadow.  Therefore we have 6 more weeks of winter.  Really there would have been 6 more weeks of winter either way, but then we wouldn't have this fun tradition of seeing what the groundhog does every Feb 2nd.  So, 6 more weeks of winter, but I hear that it won't be as cold as the last few months have been. Yeah!!!!

I was thinking back to last few months-very cold and snowy, more cold than snow lately.  We hadn't used our snowblower very often in Jan, compared to Nov and Dec.  But, I could use a little snow to cover up the "dirty" snow that is on the side of the roads.  I am thankful that it was a beautiful weekend for the snow to start melting.  And that melting will continue for a while.  As long as the snow melts slowly I don't think the basement will have too many issues.  (Knock on wood!!)

Happy Groundhog's Day and enjoy the little warm-up!