Tuesday, September 02, 2008

First day of school

Today is the first day of school for most in the Fox Valley and here I sit at home.  Now I didn't really expect to get a subbing call on the first day of school, but I was hoping to have my own classroom.  I do still have one application out there-the posting does not close until today at 4:30pm-so there is still hope.  I even broke down and applied for a lead teacher at a day care-something I thought I would never do.  But I am realizing that I need something more permanent than subbing because I can't guarantee that I will have a nice long term subbing like I did last school year.
So, here's to hoping that something still comes through.  And knowing that I probably won't be called to sub for a few weeks.
Good luck to all of you students, parents, and teachers who have started off the year today.  If anyone needs a tutor, give me a call!!!

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