Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I should feel more worried

For most in the Fox Valley, school starts next week and for the 3rd year in a row, I have no school to go to.  All summer I say that I am not going to worry until September, because I know that a lot can happen over a summer and I know of lots of teachers that get hired days before school starts.  Well, it sunk in this weekend when someone asked me if I was excited about school starting.  I replied with, "I would be if I had somewhere to go."
So why am I not more worried about that fact that school starts in a week without me??  I know that there is still time, but the chances are getting slimmer.  There are still a few postings, but not like there was at the beginning of August.
I am on the sub list for the district I was at last year, but am not expecting any calls the first few weeks of school.
Part of me is glad not to have the stress of setting up a classroom, but as school draws nearer and I still have unanswered applications out there, I know that the stress of setting up a classroom could be greater should I get a last minute job.
Now I continue to play the waiting game and look for other ways to supplement my income until subbing (hopefully) picks up like last year. 

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