Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Nothing Blogworthy

I realized that it has once again been a month since I have posted. (Sorry to any of you who follow me regularly) I guess there just has not been anything too exciting that has happened. Here is my March, in a nutshell.
*subbed 13 days out of 23
*Sylvan 14 nights
*Godson turned 2!!! I think he may have experienced the terrible 2's early as he seems pretty mellow now!
*had to buy a new range because the heating element in the oven broke. It would have been $200 to fix it and no guarantee that it wouldn't happen again. So we bought a Kenmore from Sears.

How are my goals coming, you ask?! Depends on the day and were in my house you look :) The desk and coffee tables manage to stay fairly clean, but I am still struggling with that kitchen table. Right now it is full of Easter basket crap (baskets and candy from the parents). I have been reading more, have finished 4 books so far this year, but have been on the computer a lot lately as well. I have been trying to post more on Facebook when I visit or do something for someone else. (I would like to add more blog comments, but my friends have to update their blogs more often!!!) I will be doing my out of comfort zone activity in May when I help with some friends at a food pantry. Still thinking of that cheap, but nice looking craft project to bring in extra money (ideas are always welcome)

That is my month in a nutshell. I will be teaching summer school again, come June, so I am sure I will have stories to blog about then. You just have to try to stick with me in the uninteresting months :)

Thanks for reading!!

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