Monday, January 04, 2010

New Year's Resolution

I typically don't make New Year's Resolutions because I find that I don't keep them (as I am sure is the case for most people). But after spending most of the weekend cleaning out files, closets, drawers and cabinets, I decided that this year I am going to try to stay organized. It is not that I am a pack rat or that things are really messy, but it is all the little things that don't help. I need to make a point to put mail, bills, and the newspapers where they belong and not on the coffee table or desk. I need to make the effort to put things where they belong instead of just somewhere out of sight. You know the saying "out of sight, out of mind"? I would have to say that holds true here. If I don't get it to its proper home right away, it may never get there.
I know this resolution will make Brian happy, because he was such a neat person before we got married (to the point of being a bit anal) and I have changed him to be a little less focused on where things go. While that is a good thing in regards to a statue being slightly off from dusting, his organization has also slacked because mine has.
So, in 2010 I am going to be a more organized person and not have a pile of things on the coffee table or desk-because they certainly don't need to be there. (This will also help speed clean-up when we know guests are coming :))

I hope that all of you who made resolutions are able to stick to them. I welcome your help in making sure I am sticking to mine and I will gladly return the favor if you need help sticking to yours :)

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