Friday, October 10, 2008

Maybe I'm not meant to be a teacher

Yesterday, I thought I still had a chance at the Kindergarten job in Menasha when I called the school to see if the position had been filled and the secretary said they were still working on it.  Today, I know that my chances are gone.  I subbed at that school and one of the Kindergarten teachers, who I e-mailed yesterday to update on the situation, said that they hired someone.  Luckily that was at the end of the day, so I only had to hold it together for a few minutes.  She made it sound like this had happened a while ago, but was sorry that I didn't get the opportunity to interview.  Why was I lied too??  Was the secretary not aware that the principal had made a decision??
It also gets me thinking about my Perceiver interview.  Was it that bad??  Was the principal seriously considering me for the position or was I granted the phone interview out of guilt??  (I did hand my application directly to him and worked at the school most of last year)
I know that the economy is in a tight spot, but why an I not getting a teaching job??  I am not a bad teacher, though I haven't really been given a chance to show that.
I would not be as upset if I had at least been given the chance to show myself and my skills in a face to face interview.  Would I be less upset if the secretary had told me yesterday that the position was filled??  Probably.  I don't mind the no's, because I know i got looked at, but why the lies??

So, now I contact the day care that was interested in me before the Menasha saga started.  I informed her that I had some opportunities through a school district that i was waiting to hear about.  Hopefully I didn't burn my bridges there or I don't know what i will do.  I need something full time and subbing is not going to cut it.

Thanks for reading my vent.  I know that I am a good teacher who will shine given the right opportunity.  I'll keep you posted on my career saga.  And if anyone needs a good tutor, or knows someone who does, let me know.

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