Monday, April 20, 2009

I am glad I teach elementary school!!!

Otherwise, the monotony would kill me!!  I subbed in a music classroom today-elementary music.  I showed videos all day.  She had 12 sections of kids-30 minutes each.  Luckily there were 3 videos to choose from and I let the kids vote on the one they wanted to watch, but I ended up watching each one 3 times!!
I could not imagine being a middle or high school teacher who teaches the same lesson all day to many different sections.  That would drive me absolutely insane.  I definitely like doing something different all day long.  And not knowing what could happen to change those plans.
My kudos to any of you out there who teach middle or high school!!  I could never teach the same thing several times a day!!


kborn said...

really, kudos to all you who WANT to teach and be around kids all day!! :)

gaffron gazette said...

I teach 3 sections of the same reading lesson each day. It's actually NEVER the same twice :O)