Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall is here!!

As if the colder weather the last few days wasn't a sure sign that fall was here, all the leaves that I raked out of my yard this weekend and the ones that are still falling assure me that fall is here to stay.  We were teased this weekend with temps in the high 70's and low 80's.  Temps which allowed much outdoor yard work to get completed without being too uncomfortable due to cold.

This weekend we:
*Raked the back and front yard.  Leaf collection starts this week and goes every week for 5 weeks.  And this is our one good raking of the year.  My arms are still feeling it today and I have blisters on my hands to prove I really did do the work.
*Cleaned off the lawn chairs and stored them away for the winter.
*Dumped what was left of the planter boxes on the porch and cleaned out the "garden".  Our garden didn't really work this year.  Not enough sun and plenty of bugs, so nothing grew and we were left with the dead remains of our plants.
*Put the garden hose away for the year and turned off the water to the outside.
*Cleaned the leaves out of the gutters to prepare for the rain we are supposed to get this week.  However after the slight wind today I am sure that they are full again.

So, that was our busy weekend.  Hopefully all of you did something outside to enjoy the last bit of summer this weekend as well.

1 comment:

kborn said...

Oh, I don't miss our house when I read about that busy weekend! :-)
Sorry about the job...some places like that...well, sucks that you've been subbing there and they didn't give you at least an interview. Hopefully the one they hired is great!