Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Next year

It has been made official, I will not have a contract to teach at St. Al's for 2012-2013. (At least I don't as of now, that could change if enrollment changes.) Of course I am bummed about it, but I kinda saw it coming all along. The public schools will be going back to half day 4K, so we would get less students from that. It is a last hired, first fired situation. I will be the first one to get a call should enrollment change over the summer. However, I am not going to wait until August to find out if I have a teaching job for next year!
I have slowly been looking and applying to a few that accept online applications. I haven't been able to make myself sit down and fill out applications that need to be mailed. I know that I should start now because I have a feeling that summer will be busier. I will once again be doing summer school for the 4 year olds and Sylvan at night. I also have a student that I am tutoring and am pretty sure that will be continuing during the summer.
Nothing extremely interesting has been happening, just thought I would share my news for next school year. I am staying positive and am really not going to stress about anything until September.
City wide rummage in a few weeks, so that might bring an interesting post :) We will have to wait and see!

Tuesday, March 06, 2012


That seems to be a good title for all aspects in the few months since my last post.
School Drama, among a few of the teachers with different standards being applied to different teachers-or so it seems in our eyes. Wouldn't it be so much easier if we all had the same rules and were supposed to follow them. Unfortunately, as with everything, not everyone feels the need to follow all of the rules and may even make some of their own as they go along.
Family Drama with the in-laws, but that is really nothing new. The SIL's think everyone is out to get them and against them, therefore making more issues for themselves and their parents. The in-laws constantly have strange cars showing up and their house and are now convinced that someone is taping their phone, so it is always off making it difficult if not impossible for us to ever get ahold of them. And that house is not somewhere you want to just show up unannounced because you never know what you will walk into.
Sylvan Drama with hiring new teachers and old teachers not getting all the hours they would like. Stress on directors because there are a lot of tests coming in and not knowing where to fit all the kids into the schedule.

Busy is another good word. I have been busy working, privately tutoring, taking a Bible class for my religion certification, and trying to get everything done around the house.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Where does the time go?

Here it is already 2012 and the last time I made a blog post was in July!!! Well, I have been busy. I ended up quitting OfficeMax in mid-August because it wasn't going to fit with Sylvan and the new part time teaching job I got!! That's right, I got a teaching job for the 2011-2012 school year. I am teaching the second section of PreKindergarten for Kaukauna Catholic School System, where I subbed quite a bit the last few years. I only teach in the mornings, which I will take for now, so I have my afternoons free for errands and cleaning before going to Sylvan in the evenings. It has been working out very nicely and am glad to be getting a steady paycheck!

As I look at the goals I made for 2011, I think I only accomplished a few of them. Here is my review:(Goals in black, reviews in purple)

1. Stay organized. I want to be able to see the top of my kitchen table, end tables, computer desk, and printer at all times. (At the moment I cannot see them all) This was a off and on thing. Things could usually stay clean for a while and then something would come up where I would get busy and not have time to put things where they belonged.

2. Drink more water. Can't say that I have been drinking more. I drink some at school and then forget when I get home.

3. Read at least 24 books this year-which works out to 2 a month. I would like to try Rae Ann's A to Z reading list, so that would give me 26 this year. Big fail, and with the jobs going on once September hit, I slowed way down. I am going to try again. If anyone has suggestions for a good book that starts with Q or X, let me know.

4. Make at least 2 blog entries a month (guess my 2 for January are covered!! JK) I can do more, but unless my life gets more interesting, 2 a month could be boring for you readers! Started strong, fell short in the summer when I started getting busier or less interesting!

5 Do 2 things out of my comfort zone. (Rae Ann, this is where you come in again :)) Perhaps add more students to tutor. Well, I think I accomplished this one. I applied for a job dealing with people all day, and tried it for a month. I have also added 2 new students to my tutoring schedule.

6. Do dishes daily/nightly. I usually wait 2-3 days in between doing dishes and then spend so much time on them. (I currently have a sink (kitchen) full of dishes at the moment.) Also, this way the food may be easier to get off! Also off and on. Some weeks I am on top of it, especially with my afternoons off. But when I have other things get done and work at Sylvan late, they get pushed off to the next day.

7. Keep a positive attitude. This one will be a tricky one, but I know it will make me a better person in the end. I will find a job and/or win Publishers Clearing House!!! Probably not always, but I tried.

8. Build my relationship with God. I have recently started trying to have daily conversations with him (sometimes forget). Perhaps I could add a scripture reading a few times of week and reflect on that. This fell way short.

9. Put all my craft ideas into action. Possibly get into a craft fair by the end of the year. Nope, didn't get any crafts done this year.

10. Don't sweat the small stuff, especially at home. Ongoing goal.

11. Make more meaningful Facebook or blog comments. Something more than just "liking" a post or saying sent when I gift an item. I would hope that my Facebook friends would say that I have :)

Thanks for checking on my progress. Stay tuned for my 2012 goals, and I can tell you that there will NOT be 12 of them, that is too lofty!!!