Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I haven't posted in week and I need to keep my goal of 2 posts a month, so I thought I would write something-as boring as it may be!

*My 2011 goals are coming along. I can see the top of my kitchen table, end table, and printer. (And most of the desk.) I am still drinking at least a glass of water a day, some days more. All this free time has lead to great time to read. It is only Feb. 16 and I have already read my 2 books for the month. At this rate, I will have no problem with my A to Z list. (Be sure to check it out once in a while, if you haven't already). With this being my second blog entry for Feb, that goal is coming along too. Still working on the comfort zone one and some tutoring possibilities are in the works. My dishes are getting done nightly (with the exception of this past weekend, when my brother was here. We were having too much fun playing the Wii.) I am still working on the positive attitude, building the relationship with God, and not sweating the small stuff. I haven't started any of the craft projects yet, but we have bought some of the supplies to get going on them. And I would hope my facebook friends think I am making meaningful comments.

*We had a gas leak last week. Thursday there was an overwhelming gas smell in the back room of our basement. Brian called WE energies and sure enough, a leak in 3 places. Brian called a heating guy and they came out and replaced the entire pipe. (We are still waiting for a bill on that one). This spring we are also going to be getting a new meter, outside, since ours is like 50 years old. This will supposedly involve digging up some of the lawn (which we just replaced last summer), but the are supposed to replant any grass they dig up. So we will see how that goes (I'm sure I will have a blog post about that one!)

*Subbing is really slow. I have subbed 3.5 days this MONTH and only have half a day scheduled for this week. I was expecting to be busy today with all the teachers going to Madison, but only got one call, while I was in the shower, and they didn't leave a message. Oh well. Hoping that March/April will bring lots of job postings which will lead to a full time job!!

*I seem to be losing hours at Sylvan some weeks too. Some days I am only there for 1 hour. I know, I know, I should be grateful that I have a job that provides some steady income. It just seems like a waste some days to drive 12 miles (one way) for only an hour, especially with gas prices on the rise. But, I am helping kids, and luckily I like most of the students I work with. I am just waiting and hoping that tutoring picks up a little so I can drop a few more days from Sylvan.

*Tutoring is going well. We are finally on a once a week schedule. Mostly I just listen to her read and help with sounding out words. I think we are both getting a little bored with that, and since I am not sure that we can convince her to bring home her Science or Social Studies textbook when she doesn't have homework, I may have to find something more exciting for us to work on in order to practice fluency.

*No news to report from the neighborhood. We are pretty sure that some people down the street are involved with dealing drugs (this was mentioned to me by a cop that talked to me one day while I was shoveling). This is nothing new, we always though they were strange and had strange people coming and going at all hours of the day and night.

Thank you for reading my random ramblings. Hopefully next month (or later this month) I will have something more exciting to blog about. I am sad to admit that my life simply is not that interesting.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Punxsutawney Phil v. Green Bay Betty

So, who do I believe? Phil, who didn't see is shadow and is predicting and early spring. Or Betty, who saw her shadow and is predicting 6 more weeks of winter.
Granted they both ultimately mean the same thing, shadow=6 more weeks of winter, no shadow=6 more weeks until spring. I guess it is all in your mind. With much of Wisconsin being buried by Snowstorm Connor, I am sure that an early spring is sounding great to everyone!!
I am not sure what I prefer. I like the snow, even though I don't do any winter sport. I think it looks pretty on the lawn (before any animal footprints get to it), and on the branches of the trees. I also like the way it sparkles in the sunlight. I don't even mind a few new flurries every once in a while because it covers up the dirty snow by the side of the roads. On the other hand, spring is nice too. You get to wear less clothes (or at least ones that are not so heavy), the days get longer (which means I can come home from Sylvan in the light!), and you actually WANT to go outside.
I don't mind the shoveling, or even the snow blowing, as long as I am not on a schedule to get it done. I also like the planting and preparing the yard for spring.
I guess it doesn't matter to me when spring gets here, as long as it gets here. I do know that I am not looking forward to the melting of all this snow. Hopefully it does not happen all at once!!!