Friday, December 17, 2010


I had my 2nd tutoring session yesterday and I would have to say it is going well. The first session was to get to know her, what she is doing and to find out what we will work on. Then she did some reading out loud to me so I could see where her fluency is. That went well and I discovered that she does need some help, mostly with decoding words (which slows her reading down and causes her to loose comprehension) So I left with my information and went to think about activities I could do to help her reading improve-in case she didn't have specific homework to work on the next time.
Last night was session number 2. She was having a science test today, so we studied for that. I quized her from her study guide, had her read aloud some passages from the book for confusing topics, and had her do some sample questions from the end of the chapter. All in all, I think she is ready for the test. I was also able to see, again, areas of decoding that need work. Looking at her study guide I could also see that spelling might be an area to work on (or she was just writing in a hurry)
So, I am waiting to hear how she does on the test. Mom and I are hoping for an A!!!
I will not have another session until the new year, due to break and days she spends with her dad, so I have plenty of time to find more activities we can do (since I am not sure how much homework she will have 2 days after returning from break)

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