Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kitchen Project-Part 3 COMPLETED!!!!

That's right, for those of you who don't follow me on Facebook (and those that do :)) the kitchen project is complete. It has been completely painted for 2 weeks now, and the appliances are finally moved back where they belong and things just got hung back on the walls this week.
I am so glad it is done, but I think it was worth it. The kitchen looks so much bigger and brighter now that the wallpaper is gone.
Thank you to Kurt and Joanna who came to help us rip the wallpaper down. And what a job that was!!
Thank you to dad for filling the cracks and holes so that the walls looked better.
Thank you to mom and Adam who helped wash the walls before painting.
Thank you to everyone who read about the frustrating and joyful moments of the kitchen project!!

Next painting project is the one wall in our bedroom!! This should be an easy one and I have learned to remove the oops painting as soon as possible after it is done!!!

1 comment:

Mommy Petersen said...

Now with all this kitchen practice your bedroom will be easy!

It's worth all the effort when you see it completed, right?