Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer school frenzy!!!!!

Summer school starts on Monday!!!  I have been to my classroom yesterday to begin setting things up only to find that the room is really not a good learning environment.  I understand that the teacher probably has a lot of her own things in the room, but my kids are going to need something to play with.  There was pretty much nothing left out, she did leave a few games that have seen better days.  And all of the computers and shelves we shoved in a corner and covered in plastic.  Imagine being a 4/5 year old, maybe coming to school for the first time and walking into a room that looks like this.  Talk about a traumatic first school experience.  
I have nothing to bring really, since all my kindergarten stuff belonged to the school I was at.  So now I have to scramble around to find something that the kids will be able to do during free choice time.  Luckily one of my good friends is also teaching K Readiness at the same school and teaches Kindergarten during the year.
Tomorrow is shopping for snacks for the month and then back to school to do the final organizing.  Wish me luck!!

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