Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer school and such

I was reminded recently that it has been a while since I blogged. While my life is not that interesting and I do not want to bore my few readers, I guess something is better then nothing, right.
Well, we are in week 3 of a 4 week summer school. My teaching is officially over as my co teacher is in charge these last 2 weeks. So my job is crowd control and helping where needed. Our class is a pretty good class, active but good. We have a parent that we are not to sure about, but we don't have to like the parents right?!
Next week we have off and will be on a family camping trip next weekend. We are not doing anything exciting for the 4th, probably just hanging out here and trying to catch some local fireworks displays.
I am on the job hunt, as always. I had 2 interviews this month, both produced a thank you for your time, but we went with another candidate letter. I have sent out 27 resumes this month, so far and have 3 more waiting to get completed. I am in the process of revamping my resume, based on a friends suggestions in hopes to get it looked at more often, so we will see what happens. I will keep all of you (the 2 of you readers) posted on any successes.
Off to work on that resume!!