I must say that now that I am organized, keeping it that way is not as hard as I thought. Course, I have had a lot of days at home to devote to putting things away. So, I think that i am now in that habit!! The desk and coffee table have been staying relatively clean-a few pens and paper, but you need that when you answer the phone sometimes. The kitchen table is another story. I completely cleaned it off today-as a reminder that we do have a table under all that crap that gets piled on it. Hopefully I can get in the mindset that the kitchen table is not a catchall just because it may be the first flat surface I see when I walk in the door.
Water drinking has been going well. I am not drinking anywhere near the amount I should be each day, but I can say that I am drinking some water every day-which was not the case before.
I have finished 2 books this month!! Started a 3rd today. I am still on the computer a lot, but I am trying to make it more meaningful time and less time playing games. (I still play the games, but am working on limiting the time spent playing them.)
Since I haven't been called to sub in 2 weeks (except for the AM yesterday) I have been able to keep the house fairly clean as well. It also seems to look cleaner without all the clutter on the tables. (I actually have to dust and sweep today)
Struggling with the craft project idea. Brian would like to make the brick snowmen, we just need to find the bricks. I have a ton of old CDs and Christmas cards that I am sure I can do something with, just not sure what. I am open to ideas that don't cost a lot to get started :)
That is the update in a nutshell. I don't think there is any tweaking necessary-it is a little early in the year to know how the rest are going to work.
Thank you to those who are trying to keep me on track!!