School Drama, among a few of the teachers with different standards being applied to different teachers-or so it seems in our eyes. Wouldn't it be so much easier if we all had the same rules and were supposed to follow them. Unfortunately, as with everything, not everyone feels the need to follow all of the rules and may even make some of their own as they go along.
Family Drama with the in-laws, but that is really nothing new. The SIL's think everyone is out to get them and against them, therefore making more issues for themselves and their parents. The in-laws constantly have strange cars showing up and their house and are now convinced that someone is taping their phone, so it is always off making it difficult if not impossible for us to ever get ahold of them. And that house is not somewhere you want to just show up unannounced because you never know what you will walk into.
Sylvan Drama with hiring new teachers and old teachers not getting all the hours they would like. Stress on directors because there are a lot of tests coming in and not knowing where to fit all the kids into the schedule.
Busy is another good word. I have been busy working, privately tutoring, taking a Bible class for my religion certification, and trying to get everything done around the house.