I got the call late, so I didn't get to school until 9:30. Walked into the room where the principal was covering until I could get there (so of course they were well behaved!) They were good for the end of the lesson and the group bathroom break. We came back to have snack and a little free time-where they played games and talked. No big deal. The rest of the day was filled with noisy 3rd graders and lots of talking when there shouldn't have been (Of course not everyone, there were about half the class who did what they were supposed to do all day )
After school, in the car, I noticed my wallet was missing from my purse. I was trying to think if I had it in the morning or if it was at home on the kitchen table. Since I had to go to Sylvan until late, I decided I better go back and check the classroom. In the games bucket, I found my store discount cards scattered around. So, I checked desks and obvious places for the wallet. No luck, so I went to talk to the office. The secretary and I went back to search the room and I found the wallet behind a crate, under a table, with my debit card missing. Back to the office to talk to the principal and call the police.
Long story short, only the debit card was taken (luckily I had no cash in my wallet). Called to cancel the card right away and the police came out to fill out a report. The principal was going to talk to the teacher, and the class, today. I was hoping she would contact me if she found anything out, but I haven't heard anything yet. And she had the nerve to say that she hoped this didn't discourage me from subbing for them again!! At this point, I have them removed from my preferred schools list, and hopefully I will have a job for next year and won't have to worry about being a substitute teacher anymore.
Sorry that this post was a bit of a downer, but I needed to vent some more. I will keep you posted if I hear anything, but I am guessing I won't know who took it.